Previous CrewLAB Work on Compliance

We’re asked frequently about NCAA requirements and how teams use CrewLAB to stay compliant. An athlete choosing willfully to track their training on CrewLAB does NOT constitute this training as a “countably athletic related activity.”

These are the specific rules and regulations that are relevant to know:

Countable Athletically Related Activities

Any activity that is required by a coach and with an athletics purpose.

17.02.1 Countable Athletically Related Activities. Countable athletically related activities include any required activity with an athletics purpose involving student-athletes and at the direction of, or supervised by, one or more of an institution's coaching staff (including strength and conditioning coaches) and must be counted within the weekly and daily limitations under Bylaws and Administrative activities (e.g., academic meetings, compliance meetings) shall not be considered as countable athletically related activities.  (Adopted: 1/10/91 effective 8/1/91, Revised: 10/31/02 effective 8/1/03) Link to the Bylaw

Daily and Weekly Hour Limitations Daily and Weekly Hour Limitations -- Playing Season. A student-athlete's participation in countable athletically related activities (see Bylaw 17.02.1) shall be limited to a maximum of four hours per day and 20 hours per week.  (Adopted: 1/10/91 effective 8/1/91) Link to the bylaw

Required Days Off Required Days Off -- Outside of the Playing Season. [A] Outside of the playing season during the academic year, all required athletically related activities (per Bylaw 17.02.14) are prohibited during two calendar days per week. Health and medical activities (e.g., medical evaluations or treatment for prevention and/or rehabilitation of injuries) or activities that are academically related (e.g., meetings with academic advisor, tutoring sessions) are permitted on the days off.  (Adopted: 1/20/17 effective 8/1/17)


CrewLAB has developed several clever technology solutions to help teams improve the student-athlete experience, Tools include improved capture, analysis and access to training information, a daily mental wellness survey and training journalling, .

The recent pandemic environment has heightened the demand for better support of student-athletes within the complex guidelines of the NCAA rules, and we think our software hits the mark perfectly.

CrewLAB App Summary

The CrewLAB app essentially works as a shared team training journal, where the student-athlete can track their individual training progress gaining useful insights into behavior change, mental wellness and physical fitness changes.  All of this while being in an enriched online environment where they can receive positive support from the whole team.

RARA team activities can be easily sorted into leaderboards, where a wider range of achievements such as load management accuracy can now be seen and celebrated.

VARA activities could also be loaded by the student-athlete, so the coach will need to set guidelines on if that is acceptable.

CrewLAB NCAA compliance explained

List of NCAA rules these were considered (August 2020)