Your CrewLAB account

With a single CrewLAB account, you can create or join multiple teams. Each team you belong to essentially are their own separate entity, each with a unique set of people, chats, schedules and videos.

Since each team are their own separate entities, your team mates cannot see the other teams you belong to, nor can you see the other teams your team mates may belong to.

Create an account

You can sign up for CrewLAB yourself, or you can accept an invitation to join a team. Creating an CrewLAB account is free.

We'll ask for your name and email address when you sign up. You can add other email addresses to your account later.

  1. To create an account for yourself, visit and select ‘Get Started’ or search on your preferred app stores for ‘CrewLAB’.
  2. If you’re creating a team from scratch, follow the prompts to enter the team name and upload a logo. If you’re joining a team, you will need to enter your ‘Team Code’ to access the Team Space. Your coach or administrator will have received your Team Code via email. Upon joining the team, you should see your team name and logo, if not reach out to us for support.
  3. Update your profile. Add your profile photo and little something in your bio. If you’re brave (we know you are!) add a goal in your bio so your teammates can help you achieve it.
  4. Fill out our daily check-in, we believe this is an excellent way to achieve your goals – that’s why the check–in is front and center. These check-in’s are shown to improve mental health and resilience, and will give your coaches the insight they need about you and your training.
  5. Share a training video that’s been sitting on your phone waiting to see the light of day. Hit the yellow plus + to choose a video to upload. Make it engaging! Be sure to tag your teammates who are in the video (or who would benefit from seeing it).
  6. Get the chat rolling. The team chat lives in the top right corner of the home feed. You can tag your coach or crew if you want to connect with them about a question. Don’t forget to add photos and GIFs to keep things fun!
  7. Log a workout. Hit the yellow plus + to record a training session. Commenting on workouts is a great way to encourage your teammates to keep going. You can also integrate your Garmin watch to automatically upload sessions.
  8. Check out the team schedule. Hit the clipboard icon to see your upcoming training schedule.

Log in to the Coach Dashboard

  1. To log in to the Coach Dashboard, visit and select 'Log in', or visit to login directly. You may wish to bookmark one of these.
  2. From the login page, you will need to enter your CrewLAB account's email address and password.

Log in to the mobile app

  1. From the login page, you can log in by either: