You can connect your Concept2 Logbook account to automatically upload Erg workouts into CrewLAB. This works for all types of Concept2 machines.

<aside> 🚨 Before getting started, you need to have a Concept2 Logbook account.

Create Logbook account here


Connect Concept2 LogBook to CrewLAB

From the menu bar, click on the profile icon then the cog icon.

In the Settings menu select ‘Connected apps’ then follow the prompts to connect your Concept 2 account.

Connect Concept 2.mp4

iPhone Screenshots - 2024.mp4

The ErgData App

Many apps and software now connect to the Concept 2 devices. Concept 2’s recommendation is to use their ErgData app, which allows you to connect directly to PM5 monitors, race people online, customize your display and more

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We’ve seen teams benefit from using third-party apps like RowHero to get their whole team connected to many ergs at once or CrewNerd to track on the water training. These apps have built-in Concept 2 Logbook integrations, so they will also automatically port data into CrewLAB.

Summary: How we recommend you use it


To get your workouts syncing into the CrewLAB automatically, do the following

  1. Connect CrewLAB to the Concept2 Logbook (see above)